This is is what urban Decay has in store for us this spring! Each palette contains 6 powder eyeshadows 0.9g each, a 24/7 eyeliner 0.8g and a mini primer potion 3.7ml.

-Greed Eyeshadow Primer Potion
-24/7 Glide-On Pencil in Rockstar
-Eyeshadows in Haight, Virgin, Mildew, Oil Slick, Rockstar, Gunmetal

-Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Eden
-24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Zero
-Eyeshadows in Stray Dog, Midnight Cowboy, Ecstasy, SWF, Darkhorse, Aquarius
-Original Eyeshadow Primer Potion
-24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Oil Slick
-Eyeshadows in Woodstock, Psychedelic Sister, Baked, Sin, Flipside, Uzi
Chissà quando arriveranno da noi queste nuove palette, già disponibili da un po' negli States. La mia ricerca su google non ha avuto successo! Voi cosa siete? Sensuali con Feminine, pazze con Fun o pericolose con Dangerous?
I wonder when these palettes will arrive here, on the other side of the ocean, as they are already available in the UK. My search on google wasn't successful! What do you want to be? Sensual with Feminine, crazy with Fun or wild with Dangerous?
E' proprio difficile scegliere fra queste tre palette, sono tutte molto carine. Quelle che mi ispirano di più sono la Dangerous e la Feminine! =)